The following is something important regarding installing racing flywheel.
1. Do not use any kinds of lock washers on crank bolts. When extra bolt retention is needed, wave or spring washer can replace the flat washer. Little chemical locking agent can be used on the bolts. But it must be away from flange area of crank. Only use high quality fasteners.
2. After removal due to improper installation, flywheel should be checked carefully. There should not be any galling or burrs on flywheel or crankshaft flange. Flywheel made of aluminum can be installed by slight heating. However the interference should be less than 0.0254mm. Flywheel installed in this way can be removed by slight heat as well.
3. Fit might vary from a slip to a slight interference because of production tolerances of flywheel and crankshaft. When bolts are torqued to manufacturer’s spec, please ensure that flywheel rests against crankshaft flange tightly.
4. Please remove material from flywheel’s register diameter by using a three cornered scrapper, if interference is too excessive.
5. With flywheel installed on crankshaft, please use dial test indicator to examine axial runout. Total indicated runout should be less than 0.1mm or 0.75mm at the clutch register diameter, depending upon different racing clutch. Total indicated runout should be less than 0.25mm at the ring gear.

In order to guarantee reliability and performance of flywheel, it should be inspected if possible. Please note fatigue cracks in following areas: crankshaft register diameter, between flywheel bolt holes and between weight reduction holes. In order to achieve better performance, please check whether the friction surface is flat or not by using a straight edge and feeler gauge. In terms of most racing clutches, the surface should be flat within 0.2mm.
Steel insert is used for friction surface of aluminum flywheel, which is heat treated and cannot be resurfaced, in the meanwhile, is replaced easily and should not influence flywheel balance. Ring gear made of steel on aluminum flywheel should be regularly examined for loosening or cracking as well, notably when flywheel is hot. Please replace flywheel or heat shield which is excessively heated or is warped beyond the above spec.
All racing flywheels by ZNDmotor are zero balanced. However, the balance should be checked with the clutch cover when installed, which can avoid balance problems caused by clutch producing tolerances.
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